Game Life in Virtual Reality

Real Game V/S Virtual Game

Through this post, I will tell that virtual vs reality games are going to change a lot, not only nowadays but also in the future, earlier we used to play any sports, then we used to play by making a group of friends so that our fitness whether it is in mental or physical health. There was no harm of any kind and we used to be completely healthy and could enjoy that game to the fullest, but youths like to play games, but they do not like to go out of the house at all and They especially like to play electronically operated games and the items of these games are also of high value as well as only one or two people can play these games.

Among them there is a very popular pubg game, and there is another game named Wii, this game is the most popular, when we play this game, we feel that our brain has such an impression that we are playing this game in real. Because this game gives us reality, we feel that we are really playing the game!

I want to tell you about the game of Wii because this game completely adds to the reality, and some people claim that if there is a virtual game like Wii, then real games will gradually replace real games in our life. In time or not confirmed but this being said looking at Wii and other online games, but I completely disagree with that statement, I also want to share my thoughts because I feel like the real game is yet The rest is there, and will always be because you can normally think of any sport we play so that we can enjoy the game and not, while at the same time benefit our body, the real sport is still valuable!

I try to tell you some important things, so that you too will understand completely, on what basis I am saying this and we will try to understand things from some real life also, :-

1. First of all, our real games are those we play in groups or we play anywhere in the playground, now whether it is cricket, football, touring, running, swimming or any other sport. Be it your favorite sport, playing these games strengthens our mental balance, our body develops, and we become a habit of taking any kind of decision like we keep taking small decisions in every game of cricket. And this decision also helps us to a great extent in taking some good decisions of our life and from these games we have to think that what if we do then we will win the match and what if we do then we can win the match too. And all these small things also help in taking decisions in life, what if we do then we will be more successful and if we do, then we will not be much difficult and we will be able to become a better person!

2. Now I will tell how sports are beneficial for our body, by playing those real games which are our real games, our fitness is also completely fit, this keeps our muscles completely strong and our health also completely Keeps fit and agile is one thing and as we grow older then it is a simple thing that our health starts getting worse, breathing problems or many other things, but if in the early days (childhood days) If you have played any kind of sport or used to exercise or do yoga in the morning, then you must have become a habit of all this, which will also be the habit of your body and you will not want to exercise or play sports in any way. Which will keep your health fit somewhere.

                                        If your health is good then you will also be happy and feel good and now we look towards virtual games on the other side. Due to which we start getting used to sitting in one place in our body since youth, due to which our body starts feeling sluggish and our body starts feeling sluggish and the blood flow in our body is not fully known as it should be. And because of the lack of blood flow due to these reasons, you must have heard that the heart is running, or paralysis in the hands or feet, the reason for having all these diseases is also that our blood flow throughout the body. It happens because of not being there and it starts giving us many problems later on.

3. It is not at all that there is no harm in real sports and there is only harm in our body due to virtual games, it is not like that at all, let me tell you that everything in this world has its advantages and disadvantages. It is also and always something benefits us but it also gives harm, you must be thinking that why I am saying such a thing, now you can also see the advantages and disadvantages of real and virtual games.

Advantages Of Real and Virtual Games

Playing real sports is more effective in staying fit than playing virtual games. Actually, we have to accept that both real sports and virtual games help us to keep fit. However, real sports bring more benefits to the human body. When people play virtual games, such as Wii games, they just need to swing their arms or legs. By which it can strengthen one's arms or one leg. On the contrary, doing real sports requires a person to use his muscles which is very beneficial for our body. Not only does the whole body strengthen muscles, but it can train a person's coordination. In addition, sports that people commonly play such as running, swimming and playing ball sports cricket, playing cricket and exercising can improve people's breathing which provides people with better 'equipment' to work out. Is. Thus, more beneficial for our health.
                                                                                             Secondly, people will be more motivated to play real games than virtual games. In this, you also get a better environment to work and play outside. The number of original games is not limited and neither is the people involved. In some sports, like football, multiple men can play the logo of the game on a single platform, while virtual games like the Wii can only be played by two men and can only use their legs. When playing the actual game, we use more mindset to accomplish our goal and we can encourage each other while working out with more people encouragement we can't.

We will have a strong motivation to play the game. In addition, what we can see when we play real games., outdoor sports is sunshine which can immediately create a positive and enthusiastic attitude. can see

LED light which can damage the eyes. If we look at the monitor, then our eyes can become unhealthy for a long time, and so you must have seen in real life that nowadays children use glasses in their working age.

Children playing games indoors know they are unable to play games with a more positive spirit
In fact, an important reason why virtual sports are popular is that they are not affected by inclement weather. People just need to stay indoors and press a button, and then they can start their game, whether it's cold or it's raining outside. Because of this, they do not understand the game well and they play the game only to lose and win, they do not understand the real meaning of the game. In fact, cold or hot weather negatively motivates people to play the game outside. However, training people with a sharp mind so that they do not give up easily, the players insist. Real sports are definitely the real vehicle to achieve this goal and he also tries in every way to win the game and if he goes every game then his body stays fit and understands the game. 

Due to which they become unable to defeat in future.
Games have their value, but their value is not enough to replace real games. If people want to stay fit. We should give preference to real games more effective than this, and as for virtual games, maybe they can be considered only as recreational tools!
