Applications of Virtual Reality in Medical Education

A Few Things About Medicine 

First of all, I need to write this post because I have seen and done a lot of research, only then I can understand that today with the help of V-R technology, the medical field has achieved a lot, and I also I want to say that in the medical field which earlier had to face some difficulty in doing major operations, due to this the patient's life was lost, but now it has become very easy with the help of this V-R technology, so you can read this post. Read this, I will try to give you complete information to the depth so that you can also understand that technology has made our life very easy especially for patients, their treatment and doctors to understand things like you Know that V-R technology is an immersive, three-dimensional, computer-generated environment that allows us to interact with the environment very easily in a precise manner using specialized electronic sensors. Earlier the use of this technology was dedicated only for gaming and entertainment, but due to the very good results of this technology, secondly virtual reality is being adopted by other industries in other areas and they have also given very good results. Seen, which ranges from military, aircraft to mainstream professional development, and the role of virtual reality in medical education continues to play the most important role.

The Field of Medicine Something My Word 

This V-R technology has benefited the medical field in a way, now there is education, practical exams and mostly with the help of this technology, especially with the help of this technology has helped a lot in understanding the practical things, earlier they could only read only in books and You know that if we just study then we start feeling like boring, and we could have done practical by going to the lab, is this called science, who did not do anything practical after reading and seeing from books, that's why children are limited to this only. But in this advanced world it is not like that hahahahahaha.

Now these same students can now feel and understand the same things very well and most importantly they feel and a science student is at that place, now whether it is mental level or physical level because he himself may be one. I am a student of science, that's why I can explain and explain all these things very well and that's why when I saw about V-R technology, I understood and that's why I like V-R technology very much because it allows technology through We can feel things and by this we can see and feel those things further, then we start enjoying then things become new things from that (I am using the word things again and again, it may evolve) I am talking about understanding more) Now I try to tell you what I want to tell.

                                                                                           One of the most obvious and neat applications of virtual reality is in teaching anatomy. The 3-D visualization of our bodies can be easily manipulated and dissected in a similar and perhaps more precise way than cadaveric dissection. There are many more benefits to using virtual reality. First, virtual reality can be accessed from any remote location in the world, while cadavers (this is also a type of technology used to see inside objects) require special ventilated storage facilities. Another advantage is the cost and limited availability of covers. Whereas with V-R technology this is not the case at all, we can see it anywhere and anytime, at any distance. However, perhaps the biggest advantage of virtual reality is its ability to manipulate the environment in infinite ways that it is virtual, for example, zooming in, highlighting and labeling. Students can draw different structures and understand exactly how each structure is connected. Quizzes and demonstrations can be embedded in the program creating a self-running learning environment. There is very limited scope for this on the cadres.

Advantages of V-R Technology in Hospitals

Another application for virtual reality in medical shetra is peer learning. Learning together in a study session is one of the most effective ways to learn as medical students. It is an essential component of problem-based education, which is adopted by many medical schools in America and abroad. The peer learning experience can be enhanced by virtual reality in a number of ways, first, virtual reality removes any geographic restrictions on peer learning. Peers can learn together from anywhere in the world by simply using the VR set and the Internet. Secondly, virtual reality allows peer learning to be carried over to multiple multimedia platforms, for example video, virtual whiteboards and even virtual locations. There is scope for peer learning in virtual hospitals. Finally, virtual reality will allow an unlimited number of peers to participate in the learning sessions. There are no restrictions in terms of physical learning space or resources, and in most hospitals it is used to perform major surgical operations and with the help of V-R it has become very easy to operate and treat diseases in the right way. It gives the facility to understand and see it, which is much better in the medical world, although they cost a lot, but this is just the starting door, it will be seen at its prices in the coming time but with the help of this technology It has improved to a great extent.

Conclusion and Future Scope

There is a huge scope for using virtual reality in emergency medicine training such as CPR. Realistic emergency scenarios can be created on virtual reality giving the students an authentic emergency drishya. Traditionally CPR training is done on dummies, although real life is very different from this. Virtual reality can bridge the gap between dummies and reality. One advantage of this is that instead of doing a finite number of exercises on a limited number of models, an infinite number of scenarios can be created. Virtual reality can take a student from a roadside accident to an accidental call in seconds. In summary, there are clearly broad benefits to using virtual reality in medical education. Virtual reality can create a 3-D immersive learning environment that can enhance human interactions. If done effectively this technology has the potential to engage and train medical students around the world. Norway already uses VR to allow soldiers to steer tanks, shoot with rifles, and complete combat simulations [3]. If VR is used to train soldiers to use weapons effectively, it could be used effectively to teach medical students how to use scalpels and stethoscopes.
